[Student View] Link to individual Rubrics

Problem statement:

A semester-long project is introduced at the beginning of the semester. Students are given a page which gives instructions for the project. At the end of the semester, students submit the project in an assignment (with a rubric for grading). It would help students to see the rubric when the project is first explained. Since rubrics can't be attached to pages, as a workaround, I copy and paste the rubric and add it to the page. However, if the rubric changes, I must remember to update the rubric on the page. NOTE: I can't just tell students to go to the final assignment page to view the rubric because modules are locked down by date (released 2 weeks before).

Proposed solution:

I want to give students a view-only link to the associated rubric in the Rubrics area. I don't want students to see the entire Rubrics area, just the specific rubric. Doing this will allow students to see the "real" rubric that is always up-to-date.

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This would be super helpful! I also have assignments where students have to do parts early on in the semester and if they could see the rubric for the presentation they will have to do, they will be better informed when doing the early parts. Especially if the presentation portion isn't for 3 or 4 more weeks!

Community Participant

Yes! Same over here too! Finding rubrics is always cumbersome with Canvas for students. In the past I have taken a screen shot and pasted the jpeg into a page, but needed to stop because that is not ADA compliant. Now I make a Google Sheet and embed it, but that takes so much time. 

Community Participant


You brought up a really good point about jpegs that I hadn't considered. A google sheet or even a table in a google doc would take some time because you would also need to make sure that you have formatted it to meet ADA requirements. 

Community Member

I very much second this comment:

"This would be super helpful! I also have assignments where students have to do parts early on in the semester and if they could see the rubric for the presentation they will have to do, they will be better informed when doing the early parts. Especially if the presentation portion isn't for 3 or 4 more weeks!"

Oh, so valuable this would be. 

Community Novice



This has a consistent pattern with our “review the rubrics” for each assignment.  I love that it teaches this pattern.


Great idea!

Community Member

I would absolutely love to have this feature. There have been several instances where I've wanted to link directly to a rubric instead of to the full assignment. The current workaround is to create the rubric in Excel and link the document... but if the rubric updates, then you have to update the Excel file as well.

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