[Student Grades] Quiz with a Pass/Fail-type threshold

In a pass/fail quiz, students would need to get a certain number of questions correct to earn full points.  For example, a Quiz that has 10 questions is either worth 75 points or 0 points at the end of the day. If students get 8 or more correct, they earn 75 points. If they get 7 or fewer correct, they earn 0 points (Thanks @katie Maxon for the example). This could be used in conjunction with multiple attempts or with single attempt options, depending on the needs of the instructor.

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

Community Explorer

This is absolutely needed.  I have an instructor that would like to do this and it's just not possible.  I found an old post suggesting setting the grading schema in an assignment to do this but I'm not seeing that in the assignment settings.  This was an option in Blackboard and it worked quite well.  Hopefully Canvas will add this soon.

Community Novice

Yes please Canvas offer this- we just began with Canvas and this feature seems essential to scoring a quiz. I don't really understand the multiple attempts if they are not achieving an particular automated score. I think a simple # of questions pass-fail would even be sufficient for our use case, e.g., answer 7 out of 10 questions correct and you pass anything below 7 fail/retake.

Thank you

Community Explorer

I've been looking for an option to do this and only got to different forums of people trying different workarounds to achieve it:



So yeah, if this can be done by Canvas developers or somebody finds another workaround I will really appreciate it!

Community Member

I am very eager to have this option in Canvas. If we have assignments set to Complete/Incomplete, it would be fantastic to be able to grade quizzes the same way.


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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme