[Student Grades] Monitor student grades in all courses

Our teachers and student support managers, who keep track of a student's progress across all courses, have an overwhelming need to view all students grades even though they are not one of their teachers. We would love a summary view of student's grades just like students and parents can see when they click on Grades from the Global Navigation. Currently, our staff have to go to each course to see a student's grade in that course, which is far from efficient. We would like for staff to simply be able to click on the student's name and see their progress in all courses they are enrolled in.

I am aware that Dropout Detective provides this functionality, but we do not need the extra features it provides.


Note: This was previously requested in the old community.


For  @KristinL ​ and jason.castaldo​ I wanted to let you know that as an Alliance Partner of Canvas, our Dropout Detective does offer the ability of all school personnel to see all of a student's grades and classes on one screen.  Since we refresh the data every night, it gives you a "Daily Report Card" for each student.  Please let me know if you are interested in more information.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Dropout Detective is by far the best solution I've seen to this problem. It's super easy to use and provides grades plus lots, lots more!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi everyone - love the great comments and discussion here on this thread.  Wanted to add that Canvas Data will also allow schools to do queries and reports on student activity including grades on assignments and quizzes by course, term and subaccount.   Canvas Data will be available in production after the end of October.  For more info on Canvas Data - please see Canvas Studio: Canvas Data (Hosted data service)

Community Team
Community Team

It's really exciting that this idea is in Beta!! (Woo!)

 @Renee_Carney ,  @biray ​, or  @scottdennis ​, do you know where can I go within my Beta environment to take this feature for a spin?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @biray ​ - I am in and out of my beta environment all the time, but where can I go to find this specific feature?

Community Explorer

I logged into https://MYSCHOOL.beta.instructure.com

Navigated to MYSCHOOL > Settings > Feature Options

I see various options to enable features under Account and Course but do not see anything regarding viewing grades.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

What this idea is referencing is that Canvas Studio: Canvas Data (Hosted data service) will allow schools to manipulate raw data in a way that will make it easy to monitor student grades.

And when it states 'in-beta' in this case, since Canvas Data is a service (and not a feature), it is only available for beta clients.

Hope that clarifies. Smiley Happy

Community Team
Community Team

Thanks  @biray ​ That makes a lot of sense. Don't worry about the misunderstanding. I assumed it was a feature rather than connected with Canvas Data (which we're super excited about, by the way). Thank you for taking the time to clarify! I appreciate it.

Community Team
Community Team

Sorry for the stage confusion here.  Hosted Data is currently being tested (beta) by a few institutions.  It is not in all beta instances yet!  I am going to change this idea back to 'in development'.

Please follow this idea to receive updates as they are available!