[Student Grades] Canvas for Elementary: Grade Averages and Grading Schemes
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01:23 PM
Are there any plans for additional grade visibility settings in C4E? Our use case may be too specific, but this is our situation:
- primary grade (K-2) receive I, W, or N on their report card, which doesn't align well with percentage based reporting.
- We're not ready to move teachers/students over to standards based grading or the learning mastery gradebook, and outcomes/learning mastery features don't quite align with the policies and procedures we're trying to move towards as a district.
- We are turning on a grading scheme to align %'s with Is, Ws, and Ns (not ideal but a workaround for now), but there are some features with grading schemes/course settings that we'd like to see:
- Percentage still appears on the subject grades screen (ex 75% (I)) and since our scheme there is a barrier for parents to understand grading on a 3 point scale vs. the traditional A, B, C percentage alignment. We want to be able to hide percents and just show the letter.
- Grading scheme letters apply to the Total column but not the subtotal averages (aka Assignment Group columns). Rather than a single course grade, our elementary teachers report on some of these group averages. We'd (1) like a see the grading scheme letter display in this column in the gradebook and (2) in Student and Observer views we'd like to be able to hide the percents with the focus on the letter.