Set Default Grade to Excused in Canvas Gradebook

Problem statement:

My teachers would like the option to 'Set Default Grade' to excused (or EX) on individual assignments in the Canvas gradebook. Teachers can add 0's or Mi, so potentially, it should feasible to add an individual designation of 'EX'.

Proposed solution:

Due to our data mapping and the syncing functionality with our SIS, teachers need to mass import grades of excused for individual assignments. Currently, it's taking a long time for data entry to go through manually to enter 'EX'. Having the mass importing of excused will save a lot of time and headaches for teachers.

User role(s):


Community Member
Idea is currently in development

Problem statement:

We teachers really need the option to add the "Excused" and "Missing" as one of the DEFAULT GRADE OPTIONS, as it is too time-consuming to have to go in for each student and open the dialogue box, and select Excused or Missing as most teachers have over 100 students in their grade books. Thank you for adding this feature; it has been an issue since virtual teaching in 2020.

Proposed solution:

Write a simple code to add the "Excused" and "Missing" as one of the DEFAULT GRADE OPTIONS, just as you have for all "points".

User role(s):


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: In Development
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open