[Scheduler] Scheduler recurring events

I should be able to use the scheduler to set up appointment slots for office hours for one week and then have an option for Canvas to automatically create the same schedule on subsequent weeks.
Community Champion

 @ewakeman , I wish I could Like your post 100 times! As I wrote here, we find Scheduler genuinely useful, but you're right that the current UX can make it feel "almost there, but not quite right."

Here are some quick links to ideas which relate to Elizabeth's numbered suggestions:

  1. We're on the Scheduler Recurring Events page; Elizabeth's use case is one our instructors also have.
  2. (archived) - and teachers, too!
  3. (voting through 12/2/15): Some parts of this issue are considered a bug (CNVS-20980); community interest should help prioritize the fix.
  4. Thanks to Elizabeth for posting (not yet open for voting). Some of the needs around this were described in .
  5. " modifiedtitle="true" title="Scheduler: list appointment groups newest first(voting through 12/2/15): Our instructors give the same feedback, both about the inconvenience of having to scroll down and about the notifications generated by cleaning up a past appointment group.
Community Novice

Please, our educators need this feature ASAP!

Community Novice

We've studied our user response to the scheduler for over a year now and I wholeheartedly agree with all of the above. We would also like the ability for faculty to reserve slots for their own use (I.e., to schedule a time to meet with a former student, for example).

-Lisa Brem

Community Participant

I almost see something in settings for the course that would be useful called Office Hours and instructors could put in the days and hours they want office hours and it essentially then creates office hours for the whole quarter on the calendar.. and then the instructor could go in and alter the days or delete the days they may not have them.  Much easier than having to create them by hand or use it in a recurring way from within the calendar???  Office Hours is a standard practice of a course thinking settings would be a better place for something like this.

Community Novice

Yes!!! Brilliant idea.  This is the number one problem our faculty have with Canvas right now.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We absolutely love that the scheduler has become such an important tool for instructors. We have plans to take a closer look at both Calendar and Scheduler from a technical point of view in coming months. As we do that, we'll want to keep these user-facing enhancements in mind. We may even come out of our investigation with some concrete suggestions for improving both areas of Canvas, which we will happily post to this thread or a designated user group. For now, I will archive this idea, but please keep your notifications ON. I anticipate in a few months being ready for some user feedback around some of our proposed changes. Thanks, everyone, for your insight and ideas!

Community Novice

When will the option to create recurring appointments be available in scheduler?

Community Explorer

Our school is currently transitioning to Canvas and I think a recurring scheduler (i.e., recurring appointment slots) would be a great feature! Are there any updates on this idea or information you can share from the investigations around Scheduler (and Calendar)? Are there ways to continue to raise this request as a desired feature?

Community Novice

I'm trying to do the same thing, but with our technology carts. It would be so helpful if I could create the appointments for one week, and copy throughout the school year.

Community Champion

Hi - I was just wondering if it would be possible to get an update on this? It is a request which is coming up frequently from our staff (along with other scheduler requests!). I have been asked to put in a feature request but I can see this already received a high number of votes, so it would be really useful to have an update.

Many thanks!