Reorder Dashboard Boxes

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


At this time of year, I have both spring and summer courses listed on my dashboard along with some other groups I am involved with.  I use them all regularly.  I would love to be able to reorder the boxes to put the most important/relevant courses at the top of the screen and leave some of the lesser used ones at the bottom.

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the .

Community Champion

I've written a script that will allow people to sort their Dashboard Course Card list using drag and drop. It can be installed by the individual user or by a Canvas Admin at the institution level.

Sorting Dashboard Course Cards

It currently does not work with the Canvas Apps.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Member

I understand that a "crowd sourced" pool of ideas will yield literally thousands of ideas, and no software company could devote resources to implementing them all. With that being said, I'm pretty shocked at how much super basic stuff is missing from Canvas. It's pretty mickey mouse in a lot of ways. Sorting courses into a something better than a haphazard jumble should have been a basic no-brainer feature that was built in to V1.0. Weak.

Community Member

I can't believe that this isn't a feature already included. A drag n drop tool is essential to those of us that are teaching courses that overlap over semesters or when setting up new courses while still teaching a current semester's courses. It gets really confusing looking for the courses you need to get into, and the way they are currently sorted, doesn't even make the most sense. My current courses are always lost at the bottom. It's incredibly frustrating and not user friendly.

Community Novice

It would be very useful to be able to:

  1. Keep the courses from previous semesters on my Dashboard. Currently, they are automatically removed from my Dashboard at the end of the semester (as an admin.). I have to go back and manually find them under "Admin." Very often, I import courses into instructors new/live sites from previous semesters (not just Template sites) and I need them handy and easily accessible.
  2. As an admin., my Dashboard has numerous courses on them (that I'm enrolled in) that I need to easily access (and not take time to search for each time). However, the # of courses is ever growing on my Dashboard, and it's becoming hard to find them easily and unmanageable. It would be very useful to be able to organize courses I'm enrolled in and separate by: semester and also by: templates.

Thank you, 

Denise Kreiger

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @denise_kreiger ‌, I agree that I would love this functionality, but until Canvas implements it you can use this Canvancement that should help with your second issue -

Community Novice

The six months are now long gone. Wil you reconsider opening it again?


Hi Kim,

I apologize but I'm not sure I understand your question?  

This idea is currently in the "Product Radar" stage, which means that it is something that our product team is evaluating, along with other priorities and commitments.

Thank you,

Scott Dennis

Community Novice

Ok. I thought you archived the issue for 6 month - as Mccall Smiths message said from sept. 2016. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @kim_elkjaer_mar , we did indeed, in September. However, we subsequently (in November 2016) opted to rejuvenate the idea and put it in Product Radar status, as you'll see here. When we revamped our entire ideation process in March 2017, we also opted to retain all of the original comments, even obsolete ones, as well as the original date header that shows the time frame during which the idea first went forward for voting.

As long as you're logged into the Community, you will be able to tell that an idea is open for voting because you will see active Vote Up | Vote Down buttons right below the score for the idea.

Glad you asked!