[Peer Review] Peer Evaluation for Group Projects

Every semester we need the students to create a peer evaluation for their group projects. We would like for students to be able to rate their group members contribution to the group project. This feature should allow the instructors to set up the peer evaluation for students to either rate themselves or students to only rate their peers. The instructor should be able to choose the type of evaluation students can give their peers like numerical rating, likert scale rating, text comments etc. There should also be an option to include the peer evaluation as a graded assignment.


Another nice option would be to automatically add the peer evaluation to group assignments. This would allow points to be deducted from the group assignment grade automatically. Usually, we had to divide the total points for the group project across two assignments: 1) the project and 2) the peer evaluation. With the option just described the peer evaluation would be included into the group project and there would no longer be a need for two assignments.


We have done the peer evaluation in survey builders like Qualtrics in the past but it is not the best option for several reasons. Student's get confused when they have to leave Canvas to complete assignments on other websites. Their activities don't get tracked in Canvas so they don't know if it will be graded. Qualtrics (at least the survey version we have at our University) is not designed to capture feedback in a round robin format needed for peer evaluations. We have to export the results from Qualtrics, clean the data, do some calculations then input the grades in Canvas. It becomes a really tedious process.

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Problem statement:

Until now, Canvas has lacked a proper peer review feature that would allow instructors to invite groups of students to anonymously rate each group member's collaboration in order to identify potential free-riders in group work. Until now, the only workarounds have been for students to enter their own name in a text box as a submission, and for instructors to manually assign each person to every other person in their own group. Peer Rating (or "Peer Assessment") in a course with many groups is therefore no longer feasible in terms of resources.

Proposed solution:

Please provide a peer review assignment. This may or may not be the same as an "Assignment". It should be assignable to all groups in a group set without further settings, optionally with non-anonymous settings. There should also be a Rubric here. Teachers should receive an aggregated overview of the results per group member, which clearly shows if and who has been identified as a free-rider. Results should be provided to students on a voluntary basis.

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Community Explorer

Proposed solution: Please provide a peer rating assignment.

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

This feature request has already been submitted by some predecessors, but we would like to proactively join in here as this topic is very important to us. In order to identify free riders in group work, it is necessary, especially in large courses with many groups (sometimes 50+ groups), to be able to evaluate the contribution of the individual group members to the overall work project of the group. To this end, our lecturers would like to be able to assign groups a task in which each group member can evaluate the work of every other group member anonymously, optionally also transparently, using a rubric. The assessment should only be displayed to the group members as an option. Teachers should be able to clearly view the assessments per group member after the task has been completed in order to then decide whether, for example, points should be deducted from the group performance assessment.

Proposed solution:

We want an assignment with a complex assignment mechanism. Teachers select a set of groups and the system should then assign all other members of the same group to each member of a group for peer assessment in the background. No prior submission is required to complete the task. Group members will see the names of those whose work they are assessing, e.g. with a rubric. No further peer assessment should be possible once the assignment has reached its due date. In order to make a decision, teachers need to be able to see clearly in SpeedGrader how the assessment has turned out for each person. It should be possible to display the assessments side-by-side or calculate averages for the scores (including or excluding any self-assessment). The peer assessments should only be made available to the group members concerned as an option.

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