Please consider the idea of allowing the instructor to select specific question-types from a question bank. At times when we as faculty may not want to T/F question-types administered as part of the selected question group.
This would indeed make the question bank for useful. If my bank has 100 MC and 150 TF questions it's very possible that a quiz of 10 questions would only be TF, which would be a useless assessment.
I am new to Canvas and as I work with it I am wondering why some options are not available. I would have liked to see a situation where instructors can set up quizzes from publisher question banks but have the option to select the question type they want in the quiz.
Proposed solution:
Many instructors do not want to have the burden of grading essay-type questions from a quiz. Hence, the ability to choose what type of question one wants in the quiz is important for auto-grading of quizzes. One should be able to also decide how many of each type of question one wants in a quiz. See my attached video clip doing the same in Blackboard Ultra.