[New Quizzes] Regrade All

Problem statement:

I am a teacher in a school coming from Moodle and there have been instances where a question needs to be regraded En Masse (non-essay type questions). The procedure in Moodle would involve fixing any error in the answer and afterwards clicking the Regrade All button.This would see the test remarking all the submissions for all the questions from all of the students against the questions set inclusive of any changes made after the fact. As it stands now the version of the quiz that is set initially for students in New or Classic Quizzes remains and this has been a major inconvenience to teachers who have had this feature to rely on in Moodle. Even in New Quizzes where regrades are available it only allows for regrading one question at a time.

Proposed solution:

I am proposing a Regrade All button to be placed in the Moderate this Quiz page. This button will regrade all non essay questions against any changes made to the questions used for the test.

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Participant

This would be 100 percent useful. The faculty at my college would greatly benefit from this being an option.

Community Explorer

Yes! That would be very helpful.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Explorer
Problem statement:

In New Quizzes, if an instructor must update point values after students have submitted, the instructor must regrade each quiz individually. This is both time consuming for the teacher and worrisome for the students.

Proposed solution:

Develop an option to "Regrade All Submissions" which will quickly update grades for all student submissions.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

I'm sure this has been posted before, but I cannot over stress how urgent it is. If there is an error in the point value for questions on an exam, the only way to correct it is to go question by question through each submission. I have a class of 170. This will take days, especially because the screen jumps when I apply to regrade a question (why it can't happen instantly is beyond me). I have had so many problems with issues like this that I am ready to use paper exams.

Proposed solution:

Make it so that when you change the point value in the exam, it gives the option to automatically regrade for all submissions. This doesn't seem like it should be a problem to do.

User role(s):


Community Member

I have been beating this drum for years. Lets hope this movement means Canvas will do something about this MUCH NEEDED feature.