[New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes

Many times, we write quizzes that get progressively more difficult. I would love a feature where students can get grades as they go on a quiz. In other words, they can submit their answer for question 1 and see correct answers and/or comments before they have to submit their answer for question 2.  By doing such, a student could determine if they are on a completely wrong trajectory before failing an entire quiz. This can maximize effectiveness of instructor comments, identify key basic misunderstandings before advancing, give immediate feedback for the student, and allow the quiz to be both a learning and assessment tool.


Currently, the only option to do this is to create multiple one question quizzes instead of a single multi question quiz. This is not only cumbersome, but can be awkward within Grades (especially if you have settings to drop high/low scores)

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I'm using the quiz format (Classic) for an exercise in which students practice analyzing pedigrees.

Each question builds on the one before,  and students need the feedback from wrong answers to the previous question.

At  present, I don't see any way to make the feedback available for one question before they go on to the next.

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Is there a way to see the results, right away, for each question?  For example, if there are 10 questions, having the option for students to see if whether or not a question was correct before deciding to move onto the next question.

I like to make assignments, where the questions build off of the previous questions.  If a student doesn't understand an earlier question, they currently have to go through all of the questions before learning that they made some errors and need to go back and retake the WHOLE thing over again.  Rather than having multiple attempts for the whole quiz, how about having the option of multiple attempts within each question?  They answer a question, when they click on the "next", they are notified if they got the question right/wrong.  If wrong, they can redo the question (if it is setup that way for multiple attempts within each question).  This would also allow for the student to ask for help before proceeding onto the next question...by getting immediate feedback, this would help improve upon their overall understanding.

Community Novice

We would like to request that students receive instant feedback on EACH question as they go through the quiz. May this be an option to choose when setting the quiz.

This gives instant explanations to promote interaction and learning at the same time. This can be used for formative assessment and turned off for summative assessment.

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+1.  Same concerns in electrical engineering: they may get the first question wrong, but then if they get immediate feedback they won't make the same mistake again (hopefully) on the next 10 questions.

I have a few students whose preferred learning modality is this method.

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PLEASE add this feature.

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Many great examples posted. 

My use case is with training modules. IT would be helpful to have a gate so the repeat the question until correct.  consider a categorization question when one of four items was miscategorized. reprompting the question could be pretty easy. In contrast, retaking the whole quiz would be time consuming. Making a quiz for each section is too much over head. I'd like to avoid using a different platform for this scenario.

Thank you all!

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I am extremely interested in immediate feedback after answering each multiple choice question.

IN ADDITION - it would be nice to allow answer until correct options for multiple choice, perhaps for partial credit until a student reaches the correct answer.  A technical term is the immediate feedback assessment technique that many instructors adopt in a paper-pencil scratch off format.

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@JonS1 , that term is helpful. Searching for list lots of papers on IF-AT. IT seems to help create the immediate nature of a discussion, while giving objective feed back to student and teacher. 

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