When teaching several sections of the same course, it is very difficult to analyze how well one section did on a test/quiz. I need to know if I, as a teacher, did not teach something properly to a specific class.
Proposed solution:
Allow the "Moderate" section of new quizzes to be organized by Section. Also it would be nice for the Reports to also be organized by section so I can tell if a particular question was not taught properly to a single class.
Why? This will give me more accurate data to use when figuring out what my students know and what I can do to improve their learning.
Teachers would like to be able to sort and view the moderate tab in New Quizzes by Section. There is no ability to view only a section like there is in Speedgrader.
Proposed solution:
We would like for teachers to be able to filter/sort the view for the Moderate tab in New Quizzes by section.
When my students are taking a CANVAS QUIZ online and I click on MODERATE QUIZ, it shows me ALL of my 130 students (from all 5 linked classes) on 3 separate pages. I want to view ONLY students who are in this class period or ACTIVELY taking the quiz.
Proposed solution:
I propose that view by class period or view only ACTIVE quizzes be an option so I can see everyone (approximately 30 students) on one page.