New Quizzes: Dashboard To Do

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

As with the original quizzes on canvas, when a student submits a New Quizzes (Quizzes.Next) assessment and there are items that need to be reviewed it should show up on our teacher dashboard in our To Do list so we know to submissions have been made so we can more easily access them in speedgrader to grade.

Community Explorer

Please.  This is much needed.

Community Member

Currently if a teacher makes a quiz in New Quizzes with open ended questions, it does not show up on the teacher's To Do List.  This was a feature in old quizzes and teachers loved it.  The teacher does not know if he/she has items to grade in New Quizzes unless they open each quiz.  It would be helpful if this would show up automatically on the teacher's to do list. 

Community Member

Yes, this feature should be added. It should not even be a feature request. If there is something to grade, it should appear in the To Do list. I do not believe we should have to vote on whether or not software should function properly. This should not be considered a new feature. It should be considered a bug fix.

Community Member

This is extremely frustrating.  Especially now that Canvas has taken away the option to use Classic Quizzes.  Makes it nearly impossible to even use the New Quizzes feature in the program.  Needs to be fixed ASAP!

Community Member

I agree this needs to be addressed ASAP.

Community Explorer

Just ran into this issue today.  The fact that I have to go in manually to each student in speedgrader, in order to grade the quiz is maddening.


I often have quizzes that have a multiple choice section, and a short response section.  The multiple choice is obviously auto-graded, but I would love for it to show up in my teacher to-do, with the essay questions that still need to be reviewed.  Right now, once a student submits, it marks it as complete and it doesn't show up in my teacher dashboard.  I can't believe that that's the intended action.

Community Explorer

I'd like to echo the sentiment here that I need a way to receive notifications that a student has submitted an essay exam. This is utterly unacceptable and needs a resolution.

Community Novice

"New" quizzes need to show up in the To Do list for educators. The only way you can see them now is if you click into the gradebook and then click on Speedgrader. And even then, all students have a green check next to their names, so you have no idea who has been graded and who hasn't. "Old" quizzes showed up in the To Do list, which took you right to the speedgrader and was much more efficient. I also had the grades hidden and as soon as I graded the last person, Canvas posted the grades without asking me first. I am not sure why these functions would be changed when quizzes were updated. Please put Quizzes back in the To Do list.

Community Explorer

Yes!! We needed ASAP!!!

Community Novice

Please add the option to get notifications for all quizzes. I don't get notifications for quizzes that have questions I need to grade manually, and that results in a lot of wasted time.  My district uses a separate gradebook, and the grades cannot synch. I need to know when students take or retake a quiz.