It is important for our PLC work to know the names of students who miss specific questions in New Quizzes. This option was available in Classic Quizzes. Can you please add the ability to see student names in answer responses to New Quizzes?
Thank you, Kristin. Can you please clarify where "open" falls in the Idea Statuses? Is that the Initial Stage, Moderating, In Development...? Thank you!
Agreed. In order to best serve students it is helpful to know who missed what at a glance using the item analysis, please bring this feature into New Quizzes, otherwise the data from New Quizzes is not as effective at identifying students who need assistance as efficiently.
Hi @resartoris - I'm sorry I missed your question!
Our statuses -- Initial Stage, Moderating, Open, In Development, On Beta, Completed. When an idea changes statuses, you'll see an update from a Community Team member. For those In Development, On Beta, or Completed, you'll also see a colorful banner at the top of the original post with some more information.