[New Quizzes] Ability to copy entire item banks

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Item banks in New Quizzes have a lot of better features for me than the old Question Groups. And I love being able to share those banks with a colleague. But, right now, if that colleague wants to copy them to be able to make their own adjustments to the questions, they have to copy each question individually. This is a tedious process and also opens up multiple opportunities for a slight mis-click and for a question to be basically "taken" instead of "copied". The ability to copy an entire bank all at once would be a huge time saver and security measure against the bank being changed by another staff member.

Community Participant

Yet another missing feature in New Quizzes. All of our courses have quizzes built from question banks. We have banks with hundreds of questions and the quizzes randomly pull a number of questions from those banks. With New Quizzes, it is not possible to duplicate Item Banks so if we need to make updates, we have to completely rebuild the quiz. Even if you make an edit to a question in the bank, it does not update the question in the quiz. 

We need this feature before we can adopt New Quizzes. Right now we are piloting it in one course and it has not been going well.

Community Member

Agreed. Great Idea!!! Two years later this still hasn't been added as a feature. What a disappointment there isn't better response by the developers.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Totally don't understand why you wouldn't build this feature in from the beginning. It seems like it shouldn't be too hard to have checkboxes and then a button to apply a decision to all selected. Please get this done!

Community Member

YES!!!! Please!!!! I often need to make modified version of quizzes to meet IEP needs 
(for example, same questions but with fewer multiple choice options for each question). Having the ability to copy an entire bank would save me so much time and hassle trying to copy every individual question to a new bank and then figuring out which one question I accidently skipped, which I always seem to do.  

Community Member

Still vitally needed, why does this span two years? 

Community Member

I also have hundreds of Item Banks that I'd like to share with colleagues.  If you grant colleagues "Can Edit" access then when they make an edit to a question that same question gets edited for me as well.  This is crazy.  Communal/shared Item Banks are not feasible if you want to maintain the ability to edit only your copy.  Please provide an option in which we can click the individual Item Banks that we'd like to export so they can be imported by colleagues in which they'd have these Item Banks "all to themselves" and not be tied to my Item Banks.  Just do it ✔︎.

Community Participant

Definitely a needed feature!  Ideally, just an option on the three-dot menu that says "Duplicate Item Bank."  It is a very common need to share an Item Bank with Edit access while maintaining the integrity of the original instance.



Community Novice

This would be so helpful!

Community Contributor

I truly believe that this concept is imperative and needs to be in place. I was tasked with helping a teacher create some Item Banks a couple of years ago. I created the Item Banks in one of my courses and shared them with the teacher. Now, I have to be very careful to not reset the content in that course because if I do, the teacher will lose those Item Banks and his quizzes will be ruined.

Here are a few things that I think would be helpful regarding Item Banks:

  • Transfer ownership - Just like a Google Doc, I would like to be able to transfer the ownership of an Item Bank. This would allow me to create the bank, share it with someone, then transfer the ownership to them so I would not need to worry about accidentally deleting/editing them and the teacher would not necessarily need to make their own copy. The original bank would become there's.
  • Ability to copy/duplicate an Item Bank - There are so many different reasons why this would be helpful. Here are a few...
    • There are often multiple teachers that share an Item Bank. This works fine if no one wants to edit any of the questions or add/delete questions. If copies of Item Banks could be made each teacher could start with their own copy and make whatever adjustments they felt necessary for their learning environment.
    • Modifications often need to be made for special ed, ESL, remedial, or gifted students. Without the ability to copy the Item Bank, I would have to start from scratch to create a new Item Bank for each group for which I would need to modify.
    • Maybe I want to make some changes to several of the questions in an Item Bank due to data that I have collected during my instruction. However, I would like to keep my original Item Bank as well in case I want to reference it or go back to using it with future students. Without being able to copy an Item Bank, I would need to either start from scratch to create a new Item Bank, or edit the current bank without being able to save the questions as they were in the Item Bank originally.

Whether sharing the question Banks or just using them for your own instructional practices, there is great benefit to be able to copy Item Banks. I truly hope to have the ability to copy or duplicate Item Banks in the near future.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New