[Modules] Mastery Path

Problem statement:

Mastery Path as a use for students being to view or be blocked from certain modules is not complete and as is does not work well, especially when it comes to grades and assignments. When some students are put on a path and others are not, the grades do not work in passback.

Proposed solution:

In Health, when we get to Sex Education Units, those students who do not have permission to participate in Sex Education are supossed to not be able to view the sex edcuation material. The only way to do this is use Mastery Path. Mastery Path does not always work well and especially doesn't work well for grading assignments and does not work at all on passback to Infinite Campus. I propose the Mastery path be completed so that it works well for situations like this.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity


I understand that this would create frustration!

I wonder if  [Modules] Module access to specific groups... would help you accomplish what you need. I suggest this because it's included in the Canvas Roadmap for Q1.  Once this is released, I wonder if you could assign specific groups of students to the module, and those items would never appear in the gradebook for those who should not access the content.

I'm looking forward to hearing form you!

Community Team
Community Team

Hi! If you are unable to provide an update regarding this idea by March 15, we will need to archive it to help the Community Team focus on current Ideas. If you need more time, that's okay too! Providing an update before that time would be helpful and appreciated. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider