[Known Issues] Make the "subscribe" button more prominent for Known Issues

Problem statement:

Currently, the Known Issues page [https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Known-Issues/tkb-p/issues] works but suffers from general user-unfriendliness - from lack of image support, filters that do not auto-update the page, in addition to entries that are difficult to understand, replicate, and communicate.

Proposed solution:

To minimize the need for users to frequent the page to check the status of issues particularly impactful to their organization, a clear "subscribe" button would be helpful to provide users with notifications for when there are updates to the issue (i.e. when its status has been changed), or even when a related issue materializes. There is currently a subscribe option, but it is not prominent enough that users know it is an option and/or they are reminded to do so for issues affecting them.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team

@Ash_Ow thanks for the idea for Community! We'll take these suggestions into consideration as we continue to update and improve that space here in the Instructure Community.

Do you have specific examples of known issues that are difficult to replicate or understand? These are written by support agents so they can be a bit technical, but if you have specific issues that weren't written well or were hard to follow, that will help us give more direct feedback to those teams.

I'm also curious about the "lack of image support". What image support are you referring to? Are you looking for screenshots of the issues? Or something else? Some clarity on that feedback item will help us improve this space.


Community Explorer

Hi Nathan,

Thank you for your response.

Yes, I am referring to screenshots of issues for Known Issues to help with ease of understanding how the issue behaves and affects our processes.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Hi @Ash_Ow -

Today, Nathan shared  Community Updates 2024-02-28: Group Page Feeds and Known Issues. Thank you for your feedback!

Because this thread is not tied to the Product Development Process, we're moving it to our Will Not Consider status.