[Inbox] Inbox - turn on by default "send individual messages"

Give us the ability to turn on by default "send individual messages" when sending to more than one student.  The default should be more privacy versus less privacy. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

 A message sent by the teacher to the entire class presents students with the double reply all arrow if the teacher does not select "send an individual message to each recipient". 

The student is able to Reply-all, and see all students in the recipient field. 

They are then are able to remove students (and the teacher) to select individual or multiple students from the list to send a message to. 

This is even with permission settings for the student set to disallow "Conversations- send messages to entire class" and "Conversations- send messages to individual course members". 

Feature request in the account &/or sub account settings to include the ability for this to be default selected, &/or default selected and enforced/locked. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Is there a way to set "Send an individual message to each recipient" as the default option in Canvas messages? Forgetting to check the box leads to problems.

Proposed solution:

Allow user to set the default "Send an individual message to each recipient" in Canvas messages.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

For the sake of cutting down FERPA issues, I have researched the possibility of this. Engineers thought it was a good idea and recommended posting it here. It would be nice if there were an option for admins to be able to check the box "Send an individual message to each recipient" by default in the Canvas in box when composing a new message.

Proposed solution:

A javascript in the theme editor would seem to be an possible solution. I have tried a variety of options like the following to no avail: (function() { // Function to check the "Send individual messages" box function checkIndividualMessages() { const checkbox = document.querySelector('#message_send_individual_messages'); if (checkbox) { checkbox.checked = true; } } // Add an event listener to the "Compose a New Message" button const composeButton = document.querySelector('.ic-ComposeNewMessage'); if (composeButton) { composeButton.addEventListener('click', checkIndividualMessages); } })();

User role(s):
