[Inbox] Add rich-content editor to Conversations

As a user, I would like to be able to use the rich-content editor to compose messages in the Conversations inbox. This would enable me to create Conversations that are on par, formatting- and content-wise, with Announcements. (Students seem to read Conversations messages more diligently than Announcements.)


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Mia Nolan

Special thanks for contributions by: Stefanie Sanders

Community Participant

Buen dia muchos comentarios hemos recibido de profesores que requieren mejoras en el editor de la bandeja de entrada para lograr enviar mensajes un poco mas elaborados y no tan planos.

Community Novice

Canvas Inbox:  Add options such as various fonts, bold, underscore, italics, colors and more when composing emails.  

Community Member

Just saw that the Rich Content Editor (RCE) has a new feature. I can now create "cutesy" icons in the RCE. There are much more important features that the Canvas Research and Development team should be focused on. This thread is about the need to have RCE available in the Canvas email (Conversations) utility. Having RCE capability in the Canvas email utility is MUCH (!!!!!) more important than being able to use RCE  to add "cutesy" icons to my course. Another feature that is greatly needed in the Canvas email utility is the ability to create folders and subfolders to organize emails into specific categories. I have already requested these features a long time ago and nothing has been done to implement these important features. This posting thread shows many Canvas users are demanding to have these two mail features and are very frustrated that these basic mail features do not exist in Canvas. It should be well noted that Blackboard has an RCE capability that also includes a Math Editor that is superior to the Canvas Basic/Advanced Math Editor.

Canvas has many wonderful ways to communicate to students that they have not yet submitted a homework assignment. But let's be honest. The student ALREADY knows that he/she did not submit the homework assignment. So what is really to be gained by telling the student via print and/or video something that the student already knows. So, please focus on getting RCE into the Canvas mail utility and having mail folders  which are what is REALLY IMPORTANT to Canvas users.

Community Novice

Dear Canvas Team

I find I do not use CANVAS when notifying students of a change to their timetable as I am unable to use such functions as bold, italic, underline etc to emphasise certain information in the email.

As these editing options are available when posting an announcement, it would be great to have these added to emails as well.   

Thank you, Nadia 

Community Member

What's going on with this? It's crazy that we can't add hyperlinks or bulleted lists etc. to regular correspondence.

Community Member

I would like to add a vote to add rich-content editor to the inbox messages, similar to the formatting options available when you post announcements. 

Community Participant

The ability to communicate using basic formatting seems very elementary. The Rich Content Editor should be added to the Canvas Inbox messaging and subsequent branches of this tool - the Message Students Who and Assignment Comments box. Because the RCE is not in Canvas, I am required to do much of my communication outside of the LMS which is not preferred and takes the student out of the LMS to read and respond. 

Community Member

I think signature blocks would be a great added feature. 

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Hello, Why doesn't Canvas come into the 21st century and offer an EMAIL that includes a Rich Text Editor?? Including embeded images similar to Microsoft email? On line learning continues to increase in popularity. I teach engineering courses. For my On-Line courses , the main communication channel I use to with students is EMAIL. However, Canvas email is so primitive, I often have to refer students to my university Microsoft email in order to have a meaningful email exchange. I noticed a request for Rich Text Editor email was made back in March of 2015, yet nothing came of it. regards, Glen

Proposed solution:

Revise Canvas email similar to features of Microsoft email. If not, why not??

User role(s):


Community Member

I would absolutely LOVE to see this function come to life! It would be remarkably useful.