[Inbox] Add rich-content editor to Conversations

As a user, I would like to be able to use the rich-content editor to compose messages in the Conversations inbox. This would enable me to create Conversations that are on par, formatting- and content-wise, with Announcements. (Students seem to read Conversations messages more diligently than Announcements.)


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Mia Nolan

Special thanks for contributions by: Stefanie Sanders

Community Member

"I'd like to vote up on this, but I can't. The vote count shows 0 and there's nothing obvious about how to add a vote"

Community Member

@nickolsaenz - Actually the vote count is at 30, please see attached screenshot below. It is the screenshot of the TOP OF THE PAGE (scroll up all the way to the top.) As some of our previous contributors mentioned and suggested to do, simply "roll over" the five stars at the top, select all five and THAT IS IT. That simple action will count as an additional vote. It will add to the overall number of submissions. From what I read, we need to be in the vicinity of 100 votes until the "Instructure Gods" will lower themselves from their Olympian throne to read and pay attention to our requests. 😰

Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 1.58.32 PM.png

Community Explorer

Has this really been requested since before 2015? Seriously? What are the development team thinking? Of course online faculty need to format all their comments, no matter whether email, announcements, speed grader, or whatever. This takes the place of voice modulation, and it also sorts information for teaching purposes. It is unbelievable that this would be left out of the system.

In my view, cut the process for this one. Just do it!

Community Explorer

I agree - this would be a very helpful feature to have.  Even the basic ability to underline, bold, italicize, change font or add links.

Community Explorer

Let's mean business about this! Upvote!! How many do we need and how often can we vote? It won't let me vote a second time ...

Community Explorer

Just by the way ... I can bold, italic, and make lists on this discussion board. It's only Tiny MCE. Surely it can just be added? Better still if I could make tabbed columns.

Let's send everyone we can here to comment and vote.

Community Member

@michelli - as I mentioned in a prior post, the votes must be over 100 for the "Canvas Gods" to even bother paying attention to our plea. We're way below that, unfortunately. Guess we'll have to wait for a few more people to realize and notice the missed opportunity here to get the votes up to a number where the matter will be moved over to "implementation" status. 😤

Community Coach
Community Coach

I am for this!  Voted!  Let's get RCE in the Inbox please!

Community Explorer

I agree with all that has already been said on this issue. Why should my students using screen readers have to suffer through long URLs? Give us the link button at the very least. 

Community Novice

It'd sure be nice to send an accessible link to a student. It's got to be rough for students who use screen-reading software and it just feels so unprofessional.

This was first brought up in 2015. It'd be nice to not have to beg for these basic features six years later.