[Gradebook] Modifying Statuses of Assignments & Abbreviations of Statuses

Problem statement:

I would like to be able to modify the names of status abbreviations for submissions. The current ones (Excused, Late, Missing, None) don't meet my exact needs. I need one for resubmission or retake. Why can't we as instructors modify the status offerings and apply them to submitted assignments?

Proposed solution:

Ability to modify status abbreviations and apply them, especially "Resubmission," or "Retake."

User role(s):


1 Comment
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider


I have good news to share! This is already possible. With the help of your local Canvas admin, your school can add custom statuses to the gradebook.

How do I manage gradebook statuses in an account? 

To keep the ideas process organized, we're moving this request to our Will Not Consider status.