[Gradebook] Flag or colorize Failing grades

Problem statement:

In the gradebook, it would be easier to flag students who are struggling if I could visually see it. The grades can be sorted, but if I want to keep students in alpha order, it would be easier to see student grades that are D or lower (or whatever I deem as needing to be flagged). It would be less likely to miss a grade if it more visual in the total column.

Proposed solution:

In the total column in the gradebook: When a grade is below a certain percentage it is flagged in some way - through a color or an icon next to the grade that is flagged. For example, as the teacher I could set a 60% as a flag to let me know that a student is starting to reach a level in their grades. Perhaps the grade in the total column could turn a designated color. This would help with those of us who are very visual and who have combined classes so that there are a lot of students in one canvas grade page.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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