[Gradebook] Don't Associate Undated Assignments with a Term

Problem statement:

When a teacher is building a course that has grading periods, once they start the last quarter of the year they will see ALL the assignments that they have created but not yet established due dates and they will appear in the gradebook. Is there a way to make it so it will not show up in the gradebook unless there is a due date that falls in the last quarter? And when they select the Grading period from the drop down in assignments it will only appear in the last grading period if it has a due date in the last grading period?

Proposed solution:

I believe the unpublished assignments with no due dates should only appear when the teacher selects "All grading periods" or a new drop-down choice that states No Due Date.

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Status changed to: Added to Theme

Hi, @tnaylwar, Thank you for sharing this idea in the Community. After reviewing as a product team, we've added it to the 'Improve Gradebook settings options' theme. 

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