[Gradebook] Assign a Missing Status to assignments by typing in "M" as the grade

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When grading I can type in "EX" and Canvas automatically gives it a "Excused" status. Why can't I do this for assignments deserving a "Missing" status by simply typing in the letter M? 

Right now, in order to assign work as "Missing" I have to click on each individual student with missing work, click the grade tray and select the appropriate radio button... for over 100 kids per assignment. 

If I could simply type in M for missing, it would make grading more effective and accurate and speed up the process drastically. 

Community Novice

Please make it so there is a keyboard shortcut (similar to EX for excused) or auto fill option for Missing assignments. I teach instrumental music and have upwards of 80 students per class. Currently, to mark students missing an assignment that is in person such as a lesson or rehearsal, I have to click each cell for missing work, then again click the Missing tab. Then when the student makes up their missed work, I have to click into each cell again. 

It would also be fabulous if, once the grade was changed to a numerical score greater than 0, that it automatically changed away from Missing. All of these features would help speed up similar grading processes. Thanks for listening!

Community Novice

It won't allow me to do it and I get a response saying something like, "It conflicts with M for Mastery." Currently no option is available

Community Member

I totally agree with this. Hotkeys for missing assignments "M" or "Mi" and the missing indication goes away when grade is updated, would save so much time!!

Community Member

Please please please! All I want for Christmas is for this to happen!

Community Novice

Why is it that we can mark "ex" in the gradebook for a quicker way to mark things as excused but NOTHING for missing? 

It takes so long to click on the arrow, then click missing, then click ok or move on to the next student. It should just be as easy as you guys have for the excused shortcut "ex"

a simple "m" for each missing assignment would save a load of time for teachers. 


This seems to be a simple IT solution that can be done with a simple code. whatever they did for "ex" to execute the "excused" mark should be done the same with "m" for missing. 



Community Novice

Similar to the ability to mark something as excused by typing EX, it would be great to add that to missing assignments by typing M or MI

Community Member

Please add a way to input a missing grade with an M or MI or something. Opening the menu, and clicking "Missing" takes a lot of extra time.

Community Explorer

Please add a keyboard shortcut in Grades for Missing.  The current method is way too time consuming and frustrating!!! Please!  You have a shortcut for Excused -- why can't you please add one for Missing?  Please!!!

Community Explorer

Please add a keyboard shortcut in Grades for Missing.  The current method is way too time consuming and frustrating!!! Please!  You have a shortcut for Excused -- why can't you please add one for Missing?  Please!!!

Community Novice

Please get this changed as soon as possible. It makes work in Canvas highly inefficient. Adding the ability to type in M just the same as we can type in EX would save hours of time for teachers. The programming seems to already be there and this has been requested multiple times over the past two years.  We are a new school to Canvas is this is one of our biggest complaints to admin about it - nearly enough that we are already asking to leave the platform.