[Enrollments] Self-Enrollment by Secret URL into Specific Section

Allow users to #self-enroll in a Canvas course via the secret URL into a specific #section within that course. Doing so would remove the need to manually move/assign sections to each user.


Enable Self-Enrollment

Basically, add a field to this ^ screen that would allow us to get the link to a specific section within the course to self-enroll in.



Potential uses: Course shells lasting longer than a single semester; extended on-boarding and training shells based on hire date; support shells for incoming waves of users; orientations for new teachers; having users that need to be in multiple sections within a single course.

Community Participant

+1. Upvote. Does anyone really look at these and seriously consider the need. Does anyone need 3rd-party customization?

Community Member


Community Participant

I'm looking into using an API call to perform this task and will update this idea with results.

Community Member

This would be amazingly helpful! Our campus is doing a website overall, and our sites are now more marketing focused and we've been asked to remove sections that are resources to our students, such as handbooks and forms specific to our major. We are using Canvas as a portal for our students--a place to hold online orientations and store important program documents. As each cohort enters the major, we want each cohort in a different section to assign orientation activities by cohort.

Community Participant

I have created a Google Form that allows students to self-enroll into a specific section. I am in the testing phase using our Athletics department to sign students up for their course that has individual sports listed as sections.

Community Novice

@michael_william ,

Can you share how you did this? This fix doesn't seem to be a priority yet so I'd be interested in other ways to do it. 

Community Participant

I used Google Forms, Google Sheets, and Google Apps Script to create a system that makes API calls once a form response is submitted. The flow is, form submission -> sheets response -> script trigger.

Once I am done testing the system, I will share a baseline version.


Update: 2/7/2023

Here you go: Before testing complete the steps below

1. Enter variable information in Apps Script for your specific institution otherwise the script will not run

2. Import your user information on Sheet2 so that the script can determine username and id

[Sheet] Canvas: User2Section (Responses)(Public)

[Form] Canvas Section Sign Up Form (Public)

Enjoy 😁

Community Member

Absolutely need this for some of the extracurricular groups and activities I'd like to run.

+1, +1, +1 !!!

Community Novice

Yes please!  +1 +1 +1

Community Member

Yes, this would be helpful.