[Documentation] Update error message and Canvas Guide when using the name "Student Groups" as a new Group Set.

Problem statement:

Currently, an instructor who tries to create a new Group Set named "Student Groups" receives the error "An error occurred while creating the Group Set: doFetchApi received a bad response: 400". There is no mention of name restrictions for Group Sets in the Canvas Instructor Guide: How do I add a group set in a course? Further, the error message is not descriptive of the issue. It was not until we tried to edit an existing group set to the name "Student Groups" that the restriction was made known (sort of) with the pop up "Student Groups is a reserved name."

Proposed solution:

A note on the Instructor Guide seems the easiest solution. That, in conjunction with a clearer error message when an attempt is made to create a new group set with the name "Student Groups", would eliminate frustration if you name the group set "Student Groups".

User role(s):


Community Participant

Further, the detail page that opens when you click on "Groups" tab on the People page opens an explanation title "Student Groups". It's like a subliminal message to just  name the first group set "Student Groups".

Student Groups Info page.png 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Hi @ldavenport4015 - 

Thanks for sharing this feedback!  Because this is related to a guide and not a product feature, we're moving this thread to our Will Not Consider Status. However, I'm going to make sure that these comments make it to our Documentation Team.

To help them with the process required to update the guides, could you share the links to the affected guides?

Community Participant

@KristinL I'll be happy to provide links to the guides I think it would be most helpful to include the verbiage about Student Groups as a reserved name when creating student groups. 

How do I add a group set in a course? https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-add-a-group-set-in-a-course/ta-p/693

Also, considerupdating the error message that pops up when you attempt to name the group set "Student Groups" to indicate you are using a reserved name, like it does if you try to edit an existing group set name to be Student Groups.