[Discussions] New Canvas discussions being forced on us are difficult to follow

Problem statement:

I like the look and feel of the new Canvas discussions, but it is difficult to navigate to specific discussions. I try to spread out my comments to all students throughout the semester, but the New Canvas discussion makes that extremely difficult. For example, if I mark that I read and replied to a students post, as soon as student replies to that post, it is marked unread and I have to mark the replies I didn't read as read so it shows the original post was read. Also, the sort function needs more options. I cannot see the posts in the order they are posted as they are either posted with the most current activity or the oldest activity.

Proposed solution:

Allow individual posts to remain marked as read even if there are new replies. Allow additional sort options based on the newest and oldest posts, not activity.

User role(s):


1 Comment
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback as an idea in the Community!

For consistency, the Community Team asks all comments, questions, and requests related to the Discussions/Announcements Enhancements to be directed to the User Group. Other early adopters share their experiences, and Instructure Product Managers actively monitor that space. I hope that you're able to connect and collaborate with others in that User Group.

To streamline our Ideas space and to prevent duplicate conversations, this thread has been moved to the Will Not Consider status.