[Discussions] Bring back push notifications for discussion boards.
[Discussions] Bring back push notifications for discussion boards.
OpenSubmitted byryanholon01-26-202107:52 AM
I'm not sure why push notifications for discussion boards were disabled, but please reenable them. I'm a student and they were a great way to get notified when there was a new post, or response.
Ugh. It's embarrassing. With five online classes, each having at least two Q&A-type DBs, getting notifications to my phone is crucial. I had always prided myself on my quick response to their posts on these DBs. Without these notifications, I spend so much time "just checking." Bring them back...please?
And, even though the subscribed boards are supposed to send email notifications, I don't get those either.
Canvas, it has been long enough since you removed this feature. The code already exists as you just turned this feature off so it's not that you need to spend months developing it. Please turn back on push notification options so that we can use discussion boards again properly.
I even get individual emails about this pages discussion board when someone complains about the notifications being removed. (There is a checkbox at the bottom of this text editor panel I'm typing in right now that says "Email me when someone replies".) As someone else pointed out, notifications of replies to a discussion board your subscribed to is an expected basic and global feature across any discussion platform.
SMS gone and push notifications not supported is most definitely a negative move for Canvas. I used discussion board for student questions and with the notifications going to my phone and fitbit allowed me to give them immediate attention.
Please turn these back on! If someone doesn't want push notifications, they can turn them off!
I will miss some important discussion posts if I'm in there every day now having to check and see what has been posted. When you have 6 or 7 classes, it is much more work to do!