[Discussions] Anonymous Discussion- 'Partial' Option to hide names from students only
Currently in the Discussion/Announcements Redesign, the 'Full' Anonymous Discussion Option means "student names and profile pictures are hidden from other course members, including teachers." We recommend that teachers avoid using any digital feature that limits their ability to identify students- both for classroom management and safety reasons, but can see the benefits of students not being able to identify one another.
If possible, can the Anonymous Discussion have an additional 'Partial' option of hiding names on the student end- but not teachers? We recommend that teachers avoid using any digital feature that limits their ability to identify students- both for classroom management and safety reasons. Teachers must be able to hold students accountable for their online behavior towards their peers and be able to provide the necessary support and counselor referrals for a student in the event that there were concerning statements made. Additionally, partial anonymity may also allow the Discussion to be graded, whereas full anonymity does not. We think students not being able to identify one another in a Discussion would foster more honest responses and genuine conversation, unfortunately we will be discouraging its use across the district as it.