[Credentials/Badges] Ability to Upload Custom Certificates

Problem statement:

Currently in Canvas Credentials, there is a predetermined set of Certificates that can be enabled for use when a badge is awarded. However, these options are not robust enough to meet the needs of institutions with specific style guides. The functionality of having the choice of showing a QR code, issuer, expiration date, etc is appreciated, but without the ability to change look and feel/pattern styling, often time a user is trapped using a certificate template that may not meet their organization style guide in order to get the necessary data included on the certificate.

Proposed solution:

Two proposed solutions come to mind: - Create a "certificate template creator" tool that would allow users to create templates local to Canvas Credentials. - Allow users to upload a HTML/CSS file in a fashion similar to how Canvas Catalog handles custom certificates (see https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Catalog/How-do-I-add-a-certificate-of-completion-for-a-Cat...). This would allow users who have a specific need in terms of style the ability to fully customize their certificates. As part of this functionality, allow users a variable to toggle on/off the inclusion of badge specific fields such as QR code, organization/issuer logos, etc.

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Thank you for sharing your idea! We reviewed your contribution and the Product Team feels that it aligns well with our existing theme 'Scale up the usage of Canvas Credentials'. Please subscribe to that theme to receive updates.