[Credentials/Badges] Ability to Upload Custom Certificates
Currently in Canvas Credentials, there is a predetermined set of Certificates that can be enabled for use when a badge is awarded. However, these options are not robust enough to meet the needs of institutions with specific style guides. The functionality of having the choice of showing a QR code, issuer, expiration date, etc is appreciated, but without the ability to change look and feel/pattern styling, often time a user is trapped using a certificate template that may not meet their organization style guide in order to get the necessary data included on the certificate.
Two proposed solutions come to mind: - Create a "certificate template creator" tool that would allow users to create templates local to Canvas Credentials. - Allow users to upload a HTML/CSS file in a fashion similar to how Canvas Catalog handles custom certificates (see https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Catalog/How-do-I-add-a-certificate-of-completion-for-a-Cat...). This would allow users who have a specific need in terms of style the ability to fully customize their certificates. As part of this functionality, allow users a variable to toggle on/off the inclusion of badge specific fields such as QR code, organization/issuer logos, etc.