Canvas Media Recordings

Hello, we have come across a small problem.  Say I have done a media recording of myself, in Canvas.  I did the Media recording, the count down, and it is in my Art 1 class. However, I also want to use this video, that I made in Canvas in my Art 2 class.  I can not find this recording in my files. The only place I can find it is in the class I recorded it in and I have to be using the new RCE to even find that. Since it is my file, my recording, I think I should be able to find it in my files, to be able to use it in other classes.  

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2020-12-19) - Canvas Community 

Panda Pros
Panda Pros

I was able to share it from one class to another by copying the HTML code for the video, and then pasting it in the new course.

Community Member

Where did you get the HTML code from? It is a video that was produced in Canvas, (not studio). 

Panda Pros
Panda Pros

If you have the New RCE, click on this button: 

HTML editor button.png

This will take you to the HTML editor.   I then looked for the code.  Mine looks like this:

<p><iframe style="width: 400px; height: 225px; display: inline-block;" title="Video player for [Untitled Mon Sep 21 2020 16:50:43 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)]" data-media-type="video" src="" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="fullscreen" data-media-id="m-eYJhP9oucvvChC2B4NeEfTYsfxzNF65"></iframe>&nbsp;</p>


In the old RCE, to get to the HTML editor, look for this button: 



Community Member

Thank you. 


Community Member

But I still would love to be able to find it, in my user files. 


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

Hello, I am just trying to get to someone, that might have the ability to fix the fact that you can not find the videos, that are made in Canvas for Course A, and be able to find it in Course B. I think we should be able to find those videos in the user files, without having to find "work" arounds. 

Community Champion

Rated 5 stars! My ideal implementation of this idea would be for each media recording to be a selectable item of content in the Course Import Tool.

Community Explorer

Agreed!  It would calm our teachers, and me, to know that the video file was stored somewhere, downloadable, and moveable (besides copy/paste). Ideally, wherever the video file was stored would have back-ups, in case the page the video was on got deleted. 


Double votes for @RobDitto's idea of the content selector!

Panda Pros
Panda Pros

I actually have just found that my videos are available in all course with the NEW RCE,  I went to the link icon, and clicked on Course Links.  I was then able to search in Files for my media.  It included ALL of my media -- even from other courses.  I know this because I tried this in a course where I had never made a video.