[Calendar] Sync Available From and Until To with the Due Date WhenMoving Assignments

Problem statement:

The Calendar is a great way to change the due date for an assignment. With drop and drag ease, moving the assignment on the calendar causes the due date to be updated. However, the "Available From" and "Until" fields are not likewise updated - nor is there a prompt to do so. The user may need to be made aware of these other fields in use. This could have unexpected consequences on student and instructor workflow.

Proposed solution:

Current Situation: The user cannot inadvertently move the due date outside the boundaries of the 'Available From' and 'Until' dates. Preferred Situation: Display a pop-up notice in Calendar View after an assignment's due date is changed, when an 'Available From' or 'Until' date exists. The user may skip any further reminders (e.g., for 24 hours). For example - after the user drags and drops an assignment from one due date to another using the Calendar: "This assignment also has an 'Available From' date of 10/4/23 and an 'Until' date of 10/12/23" with the buttons [OK] and [Do Not Remind Me]. For something more powerful, display the options "[Sync these Dates], [OK], and [Do Not Remind Me]"

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