Automatically Remove Missing Flag Once Grade is Entered

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For on paper or no submission assignments, if a grade is flagged as missing, but then later points are added to the gradebook, the missing flag remains.  The instructor then needs to manually remove the missing flag, even though points were assigned.  It would be great to have the missing flag automatically disappear once points were entered (signifying that it is no longer missing).  The option to have the missing automatically turn into late would be even better.

Community Member

Much needed!

Community Explorer

agreed, this  should be an automatic removal if points are added without a submission --- in hybrid mode, I have students uploading from home and students handing me papers that are in class


how do I manually remove them? searching now.... 

Community Member

I agree with most of the comments.  I have students that submit on paper and online.  It takes a lot of time to go in after the due date and change half the student's grades so it no longer says missing and if I don't get it done right away it confuses parents and students.  Please help us Canvas. 

Community Explorer

Please have "Missing" automatically be removed when an assignment is graded. With our teachers in hybrid situations, they can grade an assignment on paper for one cohort and have the other do it online. To make two separate assignments is double the work, and to manually change status from "Missing" to none is also more time that the teacher should not have to spend if it were automatic.  It's been three years since this was suggested - please add this feature.

Community Novice

When I emailed support to implement this feature they said their engineers work based off of number of responses/votes ideas get. So I'm commenting saying this feature needs to be implemented to hopefully bump this up a bit on the priority list.

I appreciate how assignments are automatically flagged as missing when the due date passes with no submission. However, when a kid then submits that assignment and I update the score for their late work, I would like the flag to either automatically be removed, or automatically set to "late" instead of "missing". This can/should just be a setting, as all teachers set up their grade book or grading systems differently.

Community Explorer

please fix this. this is a complete waste of time going back and unmarking "missing" for students who manually submit work. 


as of now, even if i enter the grade before it is due, I can only enter the numeric score. I have to wait until the assignment is past due , go back to the assignment that I have already entered grades for and individually select "none" to remove the missing remark. 

Community Member

It is a nice feature that assignments are automatically flagged as missing when the due date passes with no submission. However, when a kid then submits that assignment and I update the score for their late work, I would like the flag to either automatically be removed, or automatically set to "late" instead of "missing". This can/should just be a setting, as all teachers set up their grade book or grading systems differently.

That MISSING in big red letters really sets off the anxiety in many kids.  My own son had to drop out of college this Fall because he had so many 'missing' assignments that were actually submitted (albeit late), not missing. 

Community Member

This would be great! As others have noted, particularly right now when we have some students in class and others in quarantine, I've made a way for them to submit in-class assignments online. However, it then flags every other student's assignment as missing because they did it in class. At the very least, it would be helpful to be able to remove the missing or late designation for a whole class instead of removing it individually for every student. 

Community Novice

I would like to see the status of the assignment automatically change once a grade is entered, especially if the assignment is missing.  Once a grade is put in, I would like to see the status change to late.

Community Novice

Love the idea.