Automatically Remove Missing Flag Once Grade is Entered

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For on paper or no submission assignments, if a grade is flagged as missing, but then later points are added to the gradebook, the missing flag remains.  The instructor then needs to manually remove the missing flag, even though points were assigned.  It would be great to have the missing flag automatically disappear once points were entered (signifying that it is no longer missing).  The option to have the missing automatically turn into late would be even better.

Community Member

It would save me a lot of time if the "missing" flag was removed when an assignment was submitted or a grade was entered. I understand there are times when a grade may be entered while an assignment is still missing, but this is the exception to the rule. As long as I could manually re-flag an assignment as missing, this wouldn't be a problem. However, the vast majority of situations require me to manually un-click dozens of times for my students. Please make life easier by automatically removing the missing flag when an assignment is submitted/graded.

Community Member

YES PLEASE! Flipgrid integration is a bit imperfect. When students submit directly to Flipgrid instead of via the Canvas Assignment, it doesn't sync that way. Canvas Flipgrid submission to Flipgrid is okay. 

ONCE GRADED, submission status should changed from missing to at least "Graded." 

Community Member

This is a problem for people who have hybrid situations right now. If I have some students in the classroom, and some virtual, some students are turning things in on paper and others online. If I enter the grade for a paper submission, it is still marked as missing. If that missing flag could go away if there is a score, that would be amazing.

Community Member

This would be a great feature. We are in our first year of Canvas. While most of my students are in-person, some are partly virtual (if quarantined etc.), so we have to make the online submission available. In my math classes, the in-person students do a lot of work on pencil and paper and turn it directly into me. 

Having a Non-Zero entered score remove the missing tag would be great. Right now, even when they turn in papers in-person, students are having to submit a text entry (I have them just write, "hi") to 'trick' canvas into not showing missing. If they don't do this, they are seeing a missing assignment that they have actually turned in. Manually overriding 120+ "Missing" tags is an unnecessary burden on teachers, and the text entry to trick Canvas is an unnecessary burden on students. Tyler SIS (despite many things I do not like) has had this figured out for years and has options for teachers to choose what works best for them. 


I have emailed the help desk and one recommendation was to assign things to only certain people. Again, an unnecessary doubling of work. They are doing the same assignment, just submitting it in different ways. 

I would love this option and hope Canvas hears our concerns and provides a real solution. 



Community Member

When an assignment shows Missing it creates a notification for a student. That is useful. However, when I enter a manual grade for that student, the status does not change unless I also manually change it. When I have over 100 students in both seated and online environments which sync into the same Canvas course and the idea of manually changing every status is more than daunting; especially when I would have to do it across 15 different assignments.

I am suggesting that entering a grade should change the status to none or late depending on the time of entry. Or a feature that allows mass status changes for an entire assignment.

It is concerning that this suggestion has sat on the shelf for over two years.

Community Member

When a grade has been marked missing, but is later turned in, and the teacher enters the grade in, the "Missing" and pink highlighting should automatically disappear, because if it has a grade now, it is obviously not missing anymore.

Community Novice

Yes, this would be a great addition! Please do this.

Community Member

This needs to be a priority. I would love for a teacher to be able to decide upon entering a grade for a missing assignment for it to either: 1) remove the missing status 2) change to late status.

Community Member

When I give an assignment that should be uploaded and the student turns it in on paper the system does not override me entering the grade for the assignment. It calculates the grade but it still labels assignment as missing because it was not uploaded. Grades entered by teacher should never say missing even if they were supposed to be uploaded by student. All grades entered by teacher must override initial assignment designation.

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