[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Explorer

A beta version, I don't see that. And again, new course starting and things go wrong again. Especially in these online days, I would like to have things simple. That delete button would make my life easier. 

Clean and simple. 

Community Explorer

I need to be more precise: I see the betaversion, but I cannot see ANY submissions there, so also no one to delete.

Community Member

As an admin, I do see the delete trash can, but even after the assignment is deleted, it still remains in the teacher's todo list. This cause some of my teachers lots of angst as they always want that to read zero. Teachers not only want to delete submission that have been submitted to the incorrect course or assignment, but in other LMS platforms, teachers could move the submission to the correct location in their course. 

This is an essential tool for teachers, please implement this!!

Community Member

I would like the ability to remove student submissions, particularly in group assignments. I recently had a student mistakenly post something to a group assignment. Unfortunately, since it was a group assignment, the other members of the student's group could see what was submitted (it was very inappropriate and offensive). Needless to say, my school's IT department created a workaround so that the other students could not longer see it, but it was a very cumbersome process, and exposed another student to the offensive submission. I like the idea of Group Assignments but this has definitely made me fearful of using it again. I'm not sure why this is a limitation as a teacher.

On another note, it would have also worked if I could "hide" the assignment so that students no longer could access it. It is my understand that, provided that students have submitted work, you cannot "hide" an assignment. This, too, seems like a silly limitation - I am not sure why it is one.

Community Member

It would benefit the instructor to be able to unsubmit an assignment that was submitted in the wrong place.  

Community Explorer

I don;t think I have an admin account (why so complicated?). Where can I see that and how can I change that? In the beta version, no bin showed up and no button to delete as well. So, what now? I am a bit desperate.

Just let us as teacher delete or replace assignments!!!!

Now, I need to delete full assignments to get rid of the wrong submissions. But, when one person handed in the right things, the trick does not work anymore. It would really make my work so much easier. 

Community Member

Many students are still submitting blank documents or unrelated documents so that it appears to their parents that the work has been completed. It would be helpful to be able to return these assignments so that they can not play this game and actually submit the work.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@DebbieJohnson This conversation is specific to deleting a student's submission. You'll be happy to know that instructors will be able to reassign assignments to students for redo effective with the Canvas Release Notes (2021-03-20)

Community Member

I have multiple cases. 

For some exercises I ask for more than one file to be submitted and some students submit each file separately. This then uses up their quota. 

Many students seem to upload on impulse or as soon as they are "done" and then realise that they weren't done. The deadline hasn't passed and so they want to upload their finished version. I'm all for saying "tough luck" but try that one at a university where funding is directly connected to ECTS points.  

Community Participant

6 years on, great idea needs to be implemented.

Im not sure how this new system works, before we were able to vote on idea to move forward but I can't seem to find a vote button, is it here somewhere and i am just missing it?


I would like to vote for this please