[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Novice

Hi Stefanie,

I'm new at Canvas this year, but I have had a very crack IT team looking into this, and it does seem as if this is what is happening. So, I can't answer whether it happens _a lot_, but I did read online that it is a "feature" of the system that if a paper gets uploaded that is incompatible with the system, the tools for grading disappear. Other people have noted and asked about this disappearance. What wasn't clear in the on-line conversations was whether the entire set of papers under that assignment became ungradable--like they have in my case.

We have also looked for some time at other reasons that this could be happening and couldn't find any. We _do_ have a corrupted paper and the tools are mysteriously missing (and there is no way to enter a curser into the paper) for the all of the papers within the assignment.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I agree that this is something new/strange that I've never heard of happening either. We've been using Canvas since 2012 (and I provide assistance to all faculty and teach myself) and I can say I've never heard or seen this issue before. Occasionally a student turns in a file that won't load, but everything still works for the other students submissions and we've just had the student with the bad file resubmit.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @kona ​, yes, that's been my experience too (a student submits a file that won't load, but he or she resubmits--no harm, no foul). Wow, we've learned something new here, and  @adenico , thanks for letting us know; this is an exceedingly strong use case for the proposed feature!

Community Champion

I support this idea as long as there are a few things in place to prevent bad things from happening: 

1.  Log of deletion and who deleted it.

2.  Log of original submission, available to instructor and/or admins, that includes the original submission and files submitted.

3.  New Permission for the ability to delete submissions at both account level and course-level.  Not bundled in with any of the current create/edit assignment or "manage all other course content" permissions.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Yes, yes, yes to what  @millerjm  said! Especially this permission not being bundled with something else!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

The team is furiously working on the Canvas Studio: Modern Quizzing Engine . We will consider this idea for future development when we are able to focus on assignments within Canvas.  For now, this idea is a part of my backlog for future development.


Community Contributor

This happens to us about once every 2-3 months. It's quite frustrating!

Community Explorer

Hi Everyone!

I know I am late to this party and voting has already closed, but here is my 2 cents. I had a student accidentally submit the wrong assignment to the wrong drop box. The assignment was not due for at least another week and I wanted to make a quick change to the groups it was assigned to. Of course, couldn't do it since she had submitted. Normally, I would not have two assignments open for submission, but this is a summer compressed schedule so things are moving fast. It would have been very helpful for me to be able to remove her submission and edit the assignment, rather than removing the assignment and creating a new one. Not a major thing, but something that could have been made easier if I had been able to make that change.

Community Novice

I have a student who revealed confidential information in a group dropbox file.  It can now be seen by all members of the group.  It has to be taken down and there appears to be no way to do it.  I can see the same thing happening if a student puts inflammatory or other inappropriate remarks in a submitted file. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @thomas-rietz , have you contacted Canvas Support about this? They might be able to help. Also, if someone were to masquerade as one of the students in the group and immediately resubmit something--anything--new to the group assignment, students would no longer be able to see the previous submission that contained the confidential information, although you still could.