[Assignments] Index Page Needs Additional Filtering Options

Problem statement:

Currently, the assignments index page has limited capabilities for teachers to properly filter through all assignments on this page. Teachers become easily overwhelmed when looking for assignments on the assignments index page. Right now, teachers can only filter by grading period, peruse items within an assignment group, or use the search feature if they remember part of the assignment's title. If course content is imported and doesn't have updated due dates, the grading period filter is not helpful. They are left to remember part of the title to use the search feature or to scroll through the assignment groups. The current options are not efficient for teachers.

Proposed solution:

Add additional filters for teachers and students on the assignments index page. Many teachers hide the assignments index page from course navigation for students, but if any additional filters are added for teachers, it makes sense that those filters would also be available for students. Teachers have requested the following filter options be added to the assignments index page - sort by alpha, assignment types, due dates - in order to more efficiently locate assignments on the assignments index page.

User role(s):


Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been moved to the Improved UI Controls and Usability - Additional filtering and view options theme for further consideration.

Status changed to: New
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Participant
Problem statement:

I have used Canvas for many years now, and copy my assignments from year to year so I have quite a lot. Since the list is long and there isn't a way to automatically sort it, it takes extra time to find what I need/see if past me has already come up with an idea for something.

Proposed solution:

Add a "sort group" option in the 'three dots' edit/move contents/etc section of each group of assignments. You could even choose to sort by oldest to newest/alphabetical/etc.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

A previous thread on this topic was closed four years ago without any sort of resolution. Yes, I know you can sort the assignments within the gradebook, but there needs to be a way to sort the assignments on the Assignments page. When I copy a previous course the assignments come over in no particular order. Not by due date or name. I know I can drag them around, but it would be simple to add a 'sort by' feature. I am scrolling through a list of 100 assignments to find Section 12.3.

Proposed solution:

Add the ability to sort the assignments on the Assignments page within the assignment groups. Options could be to sort by Due date, creation date, or alphabetical. Instructors shouldn't have to scroll through 100s of assignments one-by-one to find what they are looking for.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

Moving assignments around in the teacher view of the course is tedious.

Proposed solution:

When viewing assignments in the teacher view of a course, it would be helpful to be able to sort assignments by name, closed date, quarter, etc.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Member
Problem statement:

Users are not able to filter users for the assignments when using the search function.

Proposed solution:

We would like a feature where a user has the ability to search and filter user for assignment of courses.

User role(s):
