[Admin Tools] LTI/App Deployment Based on Course Attribute(s)

After speaking with one our education specialists about a recent integration request, I thought it would be very helpful to be able to deploy an integration or app to a course based on an attribute of the course. Basically delivery of an app to something like a set of registrar-affiliated courses that are deployed across sub-accounts, but NOT to open, training or development courses that are also deployed across sub-accounts. Just a thought...


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This would be especially helpful when licensing a product based on seat counts.  While the tool could be installed in the individual courses that should be using the tool, it is definitely a lot easier to manage LTI's at an account/sub-account level.

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@Code-with-Ski Agreed. That is one of my use cases. This would be an "attribute or rules-based" integration or app deployment.

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