[Accounts] Show Course Code in Admin Account Course Search Results

Problem statement:

The course search in Accounts will search courses based on their course names, course codes, and SIS IDs. However, only the course name and SIS ID are shown. This can lead to some confusion when search results show that don't appear to match the input for the search term. In addition, the naming conventions we use for our course names are different than our course codes. Thus, when we need to find a course by the course code, the search results aren't that helpful unless we know what the course name should be based on the course code.

Proposed solution:

Since course codes can be unique from the course name and SIS ID, the solution would be to show the course code in the search results too. It could be listed under the course name (to conserve space) or it could be listed in its own column. This data is already pulled with the API call to get the search results, so it would be helpful to add this piece of data to the search results view, especially since the search results may be based on a match to that value.

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Added to Theme

Add or improve search functionality Theme Status: Identified

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thanks for submitting your feature idea! This seems like it fits well into the "Add or improve search functionality" theme, so I've associated it under that.