Use API to find and replace an enabled LTI?

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We have an LTI update for a tool that is on in some but not all of our courses. I need to update the tool which I will configure to be off by default. This will require users to re-enable it again. Does anyone have a method that I could use to do a find-and-replace type scenario for this? I would prefer not to inconvenience faculty by asking them to enable the tool again. 



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1 Solution

Hi @wojcika,

I have a python script which does almost exactly this.  @wojcika, feel free to check it out as it may save you some time.  You'll need to install the new LTI and leave the old one in place before running my script.  Basically, the script will have you select the original LTI, then the new LTI, then do the update process mostly as @JamesSekcienski outlined.  Once complete, the new tool will be visible and places in exactly the same spot in course navigation as the original.  Once verified, you can then delete the old tool.  Be warned though that this script can take a while to finish because of the numerous API calls it has to do (for my institution, it takes about 12 hours to go through all courses).  It's possible that the script could be optimized more, but I created it for one specific update at my institution and decided to make it public as-is to help some others with similar requests.


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