Upload custom JavaScript and CSS to Self-hosted Canvas LMS

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I have a self-hosted Canvas instance and the Upload tab in the theme editor sidebar isn't enabled by default. Is there an option that controls this feature, or is this feature not available on the self-hosted version? Is it possible to upload custom files directly to the server?

According to this article in the community forum, there is an upload tab in the theme editor sidebar, that isn't enabled on my site: How do I upload custom JavaScript and CSS files to an account?, so I'm keen to understand my options & the best way to proceed.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @athyg1 ‌, we've already shared your earlier question posted to Q&A to this group, so it's not necessary to post it again. You'll see replies appear here: Upload custom JavaScript and CSS to Self-hosted Canvas LMS .

We've locked this question to additional participation to prevent parallel and possibly duplicative threads from developing.

In the future, please know that you can post a question to Q & A‌ and then click Share at the upper right to have it appear in any other group of which you're a member. Saves time for everyone. Smiley Happy

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