Python code for Favoriting un-favorited published courses by ChatGPT 4

Community Explorer


I'd love to get feedback on some code that ChatGPT 4 came up with to do the following:

Find all published courses for the current term for each teacher and 'favorite' any courses which have NOT been favorited.  Purpose of code will be to keep current term published courses in the dashboard.

I am not a programmer but wanted to find out how helpful AI might be in giving a 'head start' in creating scripts for accomplishing tasks in Canvas.  I assume the section on un-favorited courses is probably not needed since my question was specific to 'favoriting'.  I'd appreciate any and all comments positive and negative--especially what parts of the needed code is ChatGPT completely missing.  This was using the paid subscription for ChatGPT 4.

Some basic configuration info:
# Configuration
canvas_domain = 'YOUR_CANVAS_DOMAIN' # Example: ''
access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' # API token with admin privileges
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}

def get_json(url):
    """Make a GET request to the specified URL."""
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    response.raise_for_status()  # Raise an error for bad status codes
    return response.json()

def post(url):
    """Make a POST request to the specified URL."""
    response =, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

def get_current_term_id():
    """Retrieve the current term's ID."""
    terms = get_json(f'https://{canvas_domain}/api/v1/accounts/1/terms')
    current_term = max(terms['enrollment_terms'], key=lambda x: x['start_at'])
    return current_term['id']

def get_courses(term_id):
    """Retrieve courses for a specific term, filtering for published ones."""
    courses = []
    page = 1
    while True:
        response = get_json(f'https://{canvas_domain}/api/v1/courses?enrollment_term_id={term_id}&page={page}&per_page=100')
        if 'next' not in response.links:
        page += 1
    return [course for course in courses if course['workflow_state'] == 'available']

def get_favorite_courses(user_id):
    """Retrieve the user's favorited courses."""
    return get_json(f'https://{canvas_domain}/api/v1/users/{user_id}/favorites/courses')

def favorite_course(user_id, course_id):
    """Add a course to the user's favorites."""

def get_teachers():
    """Retrieve all users with the role of Teacher."""
    teachers = []
    page = 1
    while True:
        response = get_json(f'https://{canvas_domain}/api/v1/accounts/1/users?per_page=100&page={page}&enrollment_type=teacher')
        if 'next' not in response.links:
        page += 1
    return teachers

def process_teacher(teacher):
    """Process each teacher to favorite their unfavorite published courses."""
        unfavorited_courses = find_unfavorited_courses(teacher['id'])
        for course in unfavorited_courses:
            favorite_course(teacher['id'], course['id'])
            print(f"Teacher {teacher['id']} - Added to Favorites: {course['name']} (ID: {course['id']})")
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
        print(f"An HTTP error occurred for teacher {teacher['id']}: {e}")

def find_unfavorited_courses(user_id):
    """Find published courses that are not favorited by the specified user."""
    term_id = get_current_term_id()
    published_courses = get_courses(term_id)
    favorite_courses = get_favorite_courses(user_id)

    favorite_course_ids = {course['id'] for course in favorite_courses}
    unfavorited_courses = [course for course in published_courses if course['id'] not in favorite_course_ids]

    return unfavorited_courses

def main():
    teachers = get_teachers()
    for teacher in teachers:

if __name__ == "__main__":




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