Problems with using User-Generated API Key to access upcoming unsubmitted assignments.

Community Member

Hello, I am new to the Canvas API. I'm using a non-developer key to access my assignments for each of my courses. I'm having issues with limitations with bucket types for the List Assignments function - where I can only either return unsubmitted or upcoming assignments. I'm avoiding pagination in the interest of speed, so the bucket is important because I want everything in a single request. I can't seem to find a way for Canvas to give me a list of both upcoming and unsubmitted assignments. Additionally, when I run it with the upcoming bucket and attempt to run though each item and check their submission values, they are sometimes inconsistent with my own profile - it appears to be returning objects for other students. So it seems like there's no way for me to do this with only one request. Can anyone help me with this issue? Am I missing something? Thank you!