New Responsive Nav Custom Icons
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10:58 AM
carroll-ccsd Nice Work has already done a Global Nav Menu - Custom Tray but with the new nav popping up tomorrow I didn't see any info about how to address those changes. So here is mine. @James
Thank You for the initial nudge to utilize mutation observers a lot more. (depicted in screenshot is the library the only custom nav we use for are school). Feel free to make the script better and share those changes as well
function LibraryResNav() {
const checkIfNull = async selector => {
while (document.querySelector(selector) === null) {
await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
return document.querySelector(selector);
checkIfNull("#application").then(() => {
// watching children && tree
const navR = document.querySelector("#application");
let uL;
const config = {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ["aria-hidden"],
subtree: false
const liConfig = {
"link reference": "#",
"name of SVG": "Library",
"view box dimensions": "0 0 500 500",
"name next to svg": `Library`,
"the g and path": `
<g role="presentation">
<path d="M459.91 192.02c-.7 0-1.39.02-2.06.05-49.8 2.84-140.51 13-201.84 47.57-61.33-34.57-152.05-44.73-201.84-47.57-.67-.04-1.36-.05-2.06-.05C31.71 192.01 0 206.36 0 242.22v178.05c0 26.69 21.25 48.7 48.34 50.12 34.41 1.81 120.56 9.08 177 37.47 4.68 2.37 9.66 3.5 14.66 3.84v.27h2.27c.09 0 . 0 .18-.03.26-.03H272v-.27c5-.34 9.98-1.48 14.66-3.84 56.44-28.39 142.59-35.65 177-37.47 27.09-1.42 48.34-23.44 48.34-50.12V242.22c0-35.86-31.71-50.2-52.09-50.2zM240 479.35c-.09-.04-.18-.02-.28-.07-59.59-29.97-144.43-38.45-189.7-40.84-10.1-.53-18.02-8.51-18.02-18.17V242.22c0-6.05 1.77-10 5.93-13.2 4.47-3.44 10.47-5.01 14.4-5.01 37.01 2.11 129.27 10.58 187.67 43.36v211.98zm240-59.08c0 9.66-7.92 17.64-18.03 18.17-45.27 2.38-130.11 10.86-189.76 40.87-.07.04-.14.02-.22.05V267.37c58.39-32.79 150.66-41.25 187.51-43.35l.39-.01c.2 0 20.09.49 20.09 18.21v178.05zM256 191.99c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-95.99S309.02 0 256 0s-96 42.98-96 95.99 42.98 96 96 96zM256 32c35.29 0 64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64-64 64-64-28.71-64-64 28.71-64 64-64z" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" stroke-width="1">
// Callback to execute when mutations are observed
const theOoze = mutationsList => {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if ("aria-hidden")) {
const notNull = async selector => {
while (document.querySelector(selector) === null) {
await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
return document.querySelector(selector);
notNull('div[role="dialog"][aria-label="Global Navigation"] ul')
.then(() => {
uL = document.querySelector(
'div[role="dialog"][aria-label="Global Navigation"] ul'
.then(() => {
let cloneLi = uL.querySelectorAll("li")[0].cloneNode(true);
.setAttribute("href", liConfig["link reference"]);
.setAttribute("name", liConfig["name of SVG"]);
.setAttribute("viewBox", liConfig["view box dimensions"]);
cloneLi.querySelectorAll("svg")[0].innerHTML =
liConfig["the g and path"];
cloneLi.querySelectorAll("span:nth-last-of-type(1)")[3].innerHTML = liConfig["name next to svg"];
// observer instance linked to the callback
const observer = new MutationObserver(theOoze);
// Start observing body since responsive nav is housed only in the body at end under <!-- #application -->
observer.observe(navR, config);