Issue in launching external app in self hosted canvas LMS

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We created a self hosted instance for canvas LMS( with AWS. But while integrating an app it throws Authentication error.
The External app with the client and secret key was configured and the platform is registered successfully but after the "authorize_redirect" process it redirects it to our API with no id_token. The Authentication process gets cut-off and internally it throws error and showing blank page.

This is our public JWK URL with RSA algorithm,

Is there anything we missed during the app integration process?

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1 Solution
Community Explorer

Thanks  @svickers2 . I have resolved the issue by generating a new key and updating it in the config/dynamic_settings.yml file. The LTI is now working correctly.

The Steps involved in generating a new JWT token

1. Open the Canvas console using bundle exec rails console

2. Run the following code to generate the token

key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048)

jwk = key.to_jwk(kid:

puts jwk

3. Copy the JSON key and stringify it using JSON formatter.

4. Update the key in config/dynamic_settings.yml in the file.

5. Once the file is updated, restart the canvas service. Now the LTI works as expected in self-hosted in canvas instance.

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