How can I validate the XML for my LTI connection?

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I have been building an XML configuration document that will allow subscribers to automatically configure the LTI connection between Canvas and my content service. I am having difficulty getting my XML file to work in Canvas, however. I paste my XML into the form that creates a third-party app in Canvas and click submit. Canvas immediately displays the message "blank" as a popup error  (see attached). It would be nice if the message was helpful or could indicate why Canvas rejects my XML configuration. However, this may be beyond the scope of the LTI setup form. Is there a separate tool that I can use to validate and troubleshoot my XML configuration? I have used various XML lint services and verified that my configuration file conforms to XML standards and correctly references the required XML definitions. I have no idea why Canvas chokes on the file though. I have attached my LTI XML document in case you are curious. Below are the sites I have referenced while building my file. I would appreciate it if someone could point me to a place where I can fully validate my LTI XML configuration document and troubleshoot its issues to make it work with Canvas.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

 @dan_hammari ​ when I started working with LTI I used one of the sites you have listed to generate my first LTI XML file:

I can verify that it worked.

From there I built on to that XML file and didn't have any issues.

Have you considered stepping back and taking a step-by-step approach to building the file:

  • generate a simple XML file with your tool of choice and verify that it works
  • then add your custom pieces one at a time, testing at each step, until it fails

This might make it easier to find where the problem is.

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