Embed a course into a thirdy-party app

Community Member

I'm not sure if that's possible, but I need to embed a Canvas Course into my app, especially scorm courses.

My customer uses canvas, and my app, which is a file management solution. My customer wants to add to my app, the scorm courses they have in Canvas.

As a test, he gave me an iframe code to a scorm course:

<iframe style="overflow: hidden;" src="https://XXX.instructure.com/courses/15373/external_tools/retrieve?borderless=true&amp;url=https://sc..." width="100%" height="800"></iframe>

I see one has to be logged-in to view this course, so can I make an API authentication in order to view this course into my app? 

The basic workflow would be something like:

  1. My customer gets the Embed code for a particular course
  2. Create a new file at my app and input that code
  3. My app would authenticate via API (oauth)
  4. My app would display the course (without any permissions to edit or even to complete the course)

Is it possible? Or I am getting this all wrong?

Thank you.

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