Canvas Course İmport Package Problem

Community Novice

I want to export the Data Structure course module from my Canvas account and import it into another course. If I import it into a course within the same Canvas environment (e.g., Data Structure 2) using the content type "Canvas Course Export Package," after selecting and uploading the file, the current job status shows "pre-processing." However, after about 1 hour, it gives a timeout error and changes to "fail" status. Please don't suggest using the "Copy a Canvas Course" method—I have tried it, and it worked, but I want it to work with the file I exported.

When I try importing it into a course in a different Canvas environment (e.g., Data Structure 2), it previously got stuck at the "pre-processing" stage, as I described earlier. Then, to reduce the size of the IMSCC file, I removed the PDF files within the module. Now, when I try importing it, the job gets stuck at the "queued" status and doesn't move forward. It doesn't fail either.

Please don't tell me to contact Canvas support to cancel the job. I know that. But what I want to understand is why it’s not working successfully. If there are commands I need to run, feel free to provide them—I can try them on the Canvas server I set up.

Thank you.

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