Canvas API Quiz Submissions get all attempts for each student?

Community Participant

G'day! I'm trying to extract all the submissions (including all attempts by each individual) for a quiz,

Looking at the API:


Implementation Notes

Get a list of all submissions for this quiz. Users who can view or manage grades for a course will have submissions from multiple users returned. A user who can only submit will have only their own submissions returned. When a user has an in-progress submission, only that submission is returned. When there isn't an in-progress quiz_submission, all completed submissions, including previous attempts, are returned. 200 OK response code is returned if the request was successful.


this sounded to me like what I should use, but it isn't including all previous attempts, only 1 attempt is being included in the response message.


Anyone encountered this before and have a solution handy? (I'm using VB, extending on the spreadsheet that was shared by ) - I checked and confirmed that the data being returned via the live API is incomplete (not returning the 2nd attempt).